3t Machine What Would Happen To A Transformer With Ferrite Material Inside An MRI Machine?

What would happen to a transformer with ferrite material inside an MRI machine? - 3t machine

Besides, where is the greatest strength of the magnetic flux density, if I may say so, is a 3T MRI? In the middle of the hole? Or is it consistent?


deflagra... said...

Any ferromagnetic material would be attracted to a magnet. Perhaps, if the ferrite is large enough can cause the magnets to disable (but I doubt it). The trick is to have an MRI gradient field, so that only a small amount of sample will be on what the varying points of maximum magnetic resonance with the product revision.

Curio said...

This need for an expert, someone to answer and explain if you wish to redirect

pioneer_... said...

I suppose it could be a magnet.

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