Credit Card For College Student With Bad Credit Is 588 A Bad Credit Score For A College Student?

Is 588 a bad credit score for a college student? - credit card for college student with bad credit

I am a 20 year old student with 2 accounts of credit card and three student loans, I was told that my credit score is not bad, just not enough credit to my credit union, but all I read what they say a bad result. Tenants should be noted that the two accounts of the credit card on time, even though they have to pay high balances?


dc87 said...

I do not think it's good for all. I do not see why that is so low that if the cards are paid on time (although the scale can affect high score). I am 21 and have five credit cards (for a couple without pay, a low, with an equilibrium) with a balance of around one third of the credit, and the other with total assets of more than half credit terms and two student loans and more pay on time, and my score was the last time was 740th

Michael M said...

588 is a good score for a child of 20 years.

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