Guitar Hero Ds Can I Still Play Guitar Hero Ds On A Nintendo Dsi?
Can I still play guitar hero ds on a nintendo dsi? - guitar hero ds
As always Nintendo DSi in one or two weeks and my best friend has offered to buy my old DS Lite myself, but because the game does not win, the ISD can TBE GBA slot as far as I know play.
Can you still play Guitar Hero DS in the ISD, or should I play my old ones?
Unfortunately, no.
Nintendo DSi does not have a slot for Game Boy Advance, is not it slip a place for you in your game controller, Guitar Hero.
It would be a DS to keep the old ones.
(Believe me, the only reason why I did not buy a DSi for me ... I love my Guitar Hero, too!)
To keep play Guitar Hero DS Nintendo DS, since the GBA slot (used by GH was abolished).
"Activision, come with some sort of solution to this problem in future versions of the hands of Guitar Hero, but the tour is likely to retain their old DS systems owners if they want to enjoy a rock on Road." -
The DSI has no GBA port, so you will not be able to use the driver, soon, so if you keep your old one if you want to play GH.
no GBA port, the guitar controller to hold, so we do not sell them if you want to play Guitar Hero DS
Robert is full and the madman
no GBA port, the guitar controller to hold, so we do not sell them if you want to play Guitar Hero DS
Robert is full and the madman
Yes, you can have me, my friends DSI
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