Capture Card Freezing Why Does Pinnacle Studios 11 Keep Freezing When I Record?
Why does Pinnacle Studios 11 keep freezing when I record? - capture card freezing
Well here is the situation that I have a Pinnacle capture card I use to play the game Let's save and it worked well at first, but now keeps freezing all and I mean, when j try, "my game capture store card. I know there's a problem with the TV card paid for itself because I for the capture card, a few of my friends and will work perfectly on their computers. I have Windows XP Media Edition, when you need to know . I tried everything I can think of to fix it, I tried to update my video driver, I tried to remove a pile of debris that were not used in my computer, I've tried almost everything and still not that it works. Thus began this happen if I have a new motherboard, because my old motherboard to got fried, so I think it has probably had to do with him or Maby my mother's not the only thing fried is what? Frankly, I have no idea. Thanks for the help
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